Welcome to Balanced Integrative Health with Dr. Terry Van Oort

You may be reading this because you’re dissatisfied with your health and your health care.

So was I! I’m a doctor, but I’m a patient too, and over the years I became increasingly frustrated with conventional medicine.
In fact, you and I probably have a lot in common.

  • Do doctors and tests say you’re healthy and normal but you just don’t feel well?
  • Do you feel like you have “fallen through the cracks” of the standard medical system?
  • Do you have a chronic illness and want some options besides taking another pill?

Conventional medicine in the United States does a spectacular job treating acute medical conditions. If you have an infectious disease or have suffered an acute injury, there is no greater care in the world. But millions of frustrated patients are realizing that drugs and surgery can’t cure chronic disease.


Trust, honesty, and freedom to express. Guidance, hope, and healing.
Together, we can bring balance to your life and health.

What makes us different?

After 30 years as a physician, I became trained in functional and integrative medicine because conventional medicine didn’t give me the time or tools to work with my patients to optimize health. Click HERE to learn more about what Integrative Medicine is.

No two patients are the same.  That’s why treatment in integrative medicine is not based on 15-minute appointments. It takes a different approach – one that incorporates the effects of genetics, environment, nutrition and stress.

Our Approach

I work with my patients to create individualized plans based on their needs and goals by offering nutrition, lifestyle and stress reduction approaches, for both parents and children, to help them break the family history of chronic disease.

A physician mentor of mine once said,

“Acute disease is treated by the doctor with help from the patient. Chronic disease is treated by the patient with help from the doctor.”

As an avid practitioner of integrative medicine, I’ll give you my best insights and advice and the benefit of a wide array of diagnostic tools and remedies.  But you’re the one who will make the decisions.  You’re the one who will take the steps to get well.  I will be your enthusiastic partner – giving you the all the information, insight and encouragement you need as you make your way to radiant health.

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