My Photography2022-01-12T10:13:40-06:00

My Photography

“Drawing with Light”

I’m adding another page to my integrative medicine website to share a creative passion of mine, photography. 

As my experience in integrative medicine has deepened, I have discovered how wonderfully it parallels photography.  In photography, it takes contrasting light and darkness to produce an image.

In integrative medicine, adverse situations highlight the paths we need to take to find harmony and balance.
Without shades of darkness, we cannot fully appreciate or “see” the light.

Just as I change lenses in photography to see a subject more clearly, I change lenses in my integrative medicine practice – wide-angle, telephoto, macro – to see the important aspects of each person’s makeup – body, mind, and spirit.  Because we are all unique, different lenses are needed.  A more powerful picture or understanding comes from this diverse viewpoint.

In both photography and integrative medicine, it is important to observe without filters, quiet the mind and connect with the subject.  

We all have unique creative gifts and contrasting light within us. May greater expression of your own unique gifts help you in your journey to further fulfillment, health and healing.

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